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FREE BOOK Reveals: How to Incorporate Boundaries In Your Dating Life
"Hands down the best book on loving and keeping yourself on your journey to love and marriage."
“BOUNDARIES is a practical book that can be used by anyone in their celibacy journey, as well as in life. It provides a step-by-step guide to personal accountability undergirded by biblical standards. Best of all, BOUNDARIES can be used for both individual and group study. I highly recommend it!"
Pastor Mary,
new york
"I found this book because I read the author's first book "The 49-Year-Old Virgin" - talk about an authority on the topic of waiting till marriage to engage in sex! The book is written with a study guide that gives biblical tips for maintaining and/or choosing abstinence before marriage. She doesn't hold back and discusses real life concerns surrounding sex and sexuality. If I had a daughter, I'd be giving this book to her!"
barbara legere,
“What a refreshing “cut yourself some slack and put your oxygen mask on first” book. Setting boundaries can be difficult in life when we are taught that we need to give ourselves away all day every day. Dr. Paula is not only is an accomplished author, but she uses her personal story of using scripture as a motivation for keeping her self pure (virgin) until she was 49 (how inspiring) and how we can all use boundaries to establish a more harmonious not a limited life"
leianne messina,
BOUNDARIES: Saving Yourself Until Marriage is a powerful book that encourages Christ-centered dating. This relationship study guide provides dating tips for remaining celibate and a frank discussion on the taboo topics in religious circles of masturbation and pornography. Individuals may use the book. However, reading this book in small groups will provide the added benefit of discussion and accountability.
The tips in this book are from a Biblical perspective. The author breaks down the acronym BOUNDARIES using a study guide format. In addition, she addresses singles choosing abstinence after having sex (whether the sex was by choice or force). She reminds the reader that it’s never too late to choose the path of celibacy.
The author's discussion of pornography and masturbation provides food for thought and a warning of how these areas can work against the goal of saving yourself until marriage.
Dr. Paula is qualified to address this topic because she lived it. When she was sixteen, she made a vow not to have sex until she married. She had to wait decades for this promise to be fulfilled. However, throughout her journey she remained celibate. You can read about it in her memoir, 49-Year-Old Virgin: Delayed Not Denied.
Founder of YANACoaching,TM Educator, Author, Speaker, Nationally Board Certified Teacher, SYMBIS Certified Coach, stepmother, and Pastor’s Wife, Dr. Paula C. Perez, using her 4-STEP™ framework, works with single Christian women who desire to attract and marry their purpose partner. For more info, visit and follow her @drpaulacperez.
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Are you ready to jump into the dating pool? Are you committed to dating God's way? Do you want to remain celibate until marriage? Be the next person to claim your Boundaries book. Get your FREE copy today.
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